If you are on offense, even if you do not directly control the receiver, you can order its receiver to try a particular type of Catch. Timing is tricky because after the ball passes into the air, you must press the catch type button immediately after the pass. For short-distance travel, you may not even have time to press the button, in which case the receiver will stick to the default settings. There are three types of Catch: Possession is when the receiver must stop running to ensure the ball is secured. These result in a high acquisition rate, but the number of codes afterward is minimal—sort by pressing X on PS4 or A on XBOX One. Running after catching the ball, or RAC is the time the receiver tries to keep moving while catching the ball. In all cases, this is usually the default Catch type. The handset is vulnerable in the first few steps of the Catch—sort by pressing Triangle on PS4 or Y on XB1. Aggressive catching refers to the way the catcher puts his body on the line to catch ...
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